Friday, October 4, 2013

TODO! updates on my blog are incoming!

Over the next week I'm gonna be adding some additional information and old work to the blog. So this means your gonna see some new and interesting things like...

Game Projects from Years Past!
Recent Game Projects!
A Pencil and Paper RPG I made!
A Pencil and Paper RPG I'm working on!
Other things of interest that I don't know what to call!

Stay tuned!

That being said you can help me by answering a simple question;
Should I doll up my 7DFPS game?
On One Hand - I don't want to lose the 'I made it in 5 days' authenticity that it has
On the Other Hand - There are some bugs and minor things I would like to fix...(its not my standard of quality)

Anyway, I will catch you on the flip-side.