I like to work ahead on assignments; If I know I have to do something I prefer to get some advance knowledge, relevant skills, Start early ect. I know for a fact that problems like to creep up on you no matter when you least expect it. I find that if you start early its much easier to change directions instead of just having to complete your project because it must be done (especially when you cant slip a deadline).
Even if I don't know what I'm working on exactly I will work ahead in hopes of getting some relevant work done or atleast knowing what wont work.
What I'm saying is that I recently learned I will not be using Game Maker for a class I'm taking but my school's internally developed engine. I have had a resenting/hate relationship with the last internally developed engine at my school; so I have my reservations about this next one. However I'm excited that I will no longer be working in GML; but I'm dismayed to learn that I will need to learn Python in roughly a week.
So while I wanted to have some articles posted on this Blog (including some after thoughts on my Business Card Game and PAX panels) I may not have updates this week as I furiously try to learn a new engine and programming language.
I apologize for the inconvenience.