Friday, August 26, 2011

The Business Card Game

The business card game is a game that I developed for my business cards to give them a little bit of flare. To play the business card game you use business cards; and I figure If I’m handing business cards out to someone; I probably wont be the only one. This means they get a stack of business cards and what better use for a stack of business cards then for them to show off to their Friends (who probably have gotten a similar stack of business cards of business cards). So what better use to put these collections of cards than to play a game with them? (it not like you are going to make an immediate use of the business card anyway)

However making a game that is played with business cards is challenging for several reasons. First, there is no telling what business cards the player will collect and in what quantity. While all business cards will contain particular information; the distribution of that info is entirely random (and since the game uses matching mechanics it is an important metric in the game).
Second, people do not want to give up their business cards; any mechanics can not have players stealing or pooling business cards.(since it defeats the purpose of networking with business cards, their primary function).
Third the rules need to be written on a business card. writing rules is complicated enough, but getting rules to fit on a business card is doubly more complex. However it has the added benefit that players will most likely read all of the rules (as players in my experience will quit reading rules about half way through). This is further complicated by the fact I will not be able to use pictures to describe my game; in my opinion pictures can be much more helpful and much more attractive than a half page of text.

So knowing these challenges I decided to build the rules to my game.
Business card game rules
1. Find other players with business cards. Their collection of business cards will be their hand. Each player has their own discard pile.
2. On a players turn they reveal and discard a card from their hand. If able, other players must discard a card to their discard pile that matches either the Job, Area Code, or Email address domain of the first card.
3. Once a card is revealed and no other players discard a card the game ends. A player’s score is equal to the number of cards remaining in their hand. Highest score wins.

The game can be thought of as a shedding game where business card composition and timing play a critical role (since playing a card that causes nobody to discard ends the game). I also wanted the game dynamics to error toward having more business cards being preferable to having fewer (hence why the player with the most remaining wins). In this way the game will reinforce the collection and passing of business cards. I also had players keep separate discard piles since business cards serve a secondary purpose and should be kept with the player at all times. The rules are also simple to keep the game short and to fit on a business card.

I do have some lingering questions. I’m moderately confident that the rules are readable and playable (this means I’ve done some testing and analysis; but I would prefer to do more). I wonder if players will enjoy this game as a two player game; it would be quite one sided since the player with more cards would most definitely win (I do ask people to find multiple players but I feel that will be overlooked). I’m also curious with all the game-designers and game enthusiasts at PAX; who is going to come up with the most interesting house rule.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you at PAX; or hear form you in the future.